Petrovich Valevakhin

(II XIX B. p. p. 1920), the court counselor. Lived in Nikolayev in 1900 - 1920. Member of the society of fine arts, established in Nikolaev in 1910. Member of the Committee on the organization of the Museum of fine arts in Nikolaev. Among the other members of the Committee signed a petition to the President of the Imperial Academy of arts (the Academy) on the adoption of the Museum of the Imperial Academy of arts. He taught at the school of drawing, drafting and modeling Society of fine arts at the Museum. V. V. Vereshchagin, III urban women's gymnasium. The stored in the NKM: "Palace in Spassk" (1918), "Potemkin's Palace in Spassk" (1918), "the First house" (1918). The last picture made at the request of the Director of the Museum F. T. Kaminsky.

(author - N.In. Sapak. Encyclopedic dictionary "Nikolayevets, 1789-1999 G. G.")

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