Alexandrovich Lansere

Russia • 1848−1886


(1848, Morshansk — 1886, p. Neskuchnoye, Kursk gubernia, now Kharkov region)

Honorary free member of the Imperial Academy of arts (1876).

Formal artistic education is not received. Attended workshops of sculptors (including N. I. Liberiha), figure and life classes in the Academy. In 1864-70 he studied at the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1867 and 1876, studied casting in Paris.

Worked primarily in "small forms", creating more than 200 animal and genre statuettes and groups depicting mainly horses, horsemen, scenes from the life of the different peoples he had seen during his frequent travels in Russia (little Russia, Georgia, SR. Asia, the Crimea, etc.) and to Algeria in 1883. A series of statuettes of horses of different breeds shows a deep knowledge of their features and habits. Created portraits,

work on historical themes, including the events of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. She also sang the sculptural decoration of works of applied art (inkstands, clocks, candlesticks, ashtrays, vases, etc.). Most of the works are cast in bronze, some in silver. The work was replicated in Kasli iron foundry and other factories. Work from 1874 was assisted by his wife, the artist Ekaterina Benois. Among children Lansere Evgeny Evgenievich, Lancer Excellencies, Zinaida Serebryakova.

He was born in Morshansk of the Tambov province, the son of an engineer of Railways. At the age of 13 years were given to study in the 2-th classical gymnasium in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the law faculty of St. Petersburg University (1870) with the academic degree of candidate of legal Sciences. About four years served in the Ministry of Finance until he retired to devote himself to art. In the years of study at the University were engaged in moulding, often in workshop N. I. Liberiha, and enjoyed his advice. Cast his early works from manufacturers Sazikov and I. S. A. N. Sokolova, and then exclusively at F. Y. Chopin, with whom he signed a contract (1867). As a student of the University, received from the Imperial Academy of arts for sculptural group "three with two riders, a dog and a coachman" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the title of class artist of 2 nd degree (1869). Participated in annual exhibitions of Academy of fine arts (1869-1879) and the world: in London (1872), Vienna (1873), Paris (1878). Class artist 1-th degree (1872), honorary free member of the Imperial Academy of arts (1874). Many traveled to Russia, Bashkiria, Kirghizia, Ukraine, Caucasus. Visited France (1867, 1876), where he studied bronze casting in Paris, and Algeria (1883). Keenly interested in the Ethnography, made many domestic sketches. Widely known for his work in the genre of small sculptural plastics on historical, ethnographic, folklore and everyday scenes, as well as in the field of applied art. Member OWHP (1874-1884, IAH).

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    风俗画, 动物绘画
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