Mikhailovich Parilov

Russia • 1891−1962

Born in Palekh. Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1956). Winner of the Stalin prize (1947). Hereditary icon painter. In the years 1902-1906 he studied at the educational workshops of the Committee of guardianship of Russian iconography. In 1906-1916 he worked in the workshop of his father M. P. Parilov. Painted the walls of the Spaso-Lake monastery. Participant in the civil war. After demobilization he served as a coachman at the post office, were engaged in agriculture. In the autumn of 1930 joined the Artel of ancient painting. Teacher - I. I. Golikov. One of the leading masters of Palekh lacquer miniatures. In the years 1943-1953 taught at the Palekh art school. In 1955 he was elected Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR V convocation. Buried in Palekh.

Was engaged in monumental painting (pavilion Central regions VSHV (1939), Yaroslavl Palace of pioneers (1956)), Teatralna decorative painting (decoration of the play "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" Leningrad puppet theater (1937), the Opera "Rusalka" Palekh House of culture (1937), the Opera "the Golden Cockerel" Saratov theatre of Opera and ballet. N. G.Chernyshevsky (1946-1947, Stalin prize II degree), the ballet "the Tale of the dead Princess" (1949) and the Opera "Kaschey the Immortal" (1950), Leningrad academic Maly Opera theatre, the Opera "Tale about Tsar Saltan" of the Kuibyshev Opera and ballet theatre (1958), the play "Red dyavolyata" Moscow drama theatre. N. In.Gogol (1960-1961)), restoration (fresco of the assumption and the Annunciation cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin (1946-1947), the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (1950-1951), the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (1955), Holy cross Church in Palekh (1960)), animation ("the Tale of the fisherman and the fish"). Paid much attention to the ornament. Themes of works: folklore, history, literature, the Red Army, the battle.

Work N.M.Parilova are stored in museums: gmpi, GRM, MNI, SHAMS, Astrakhan picture gallery, the Ivanovo OXM, State picture gallery of Armenia, State art Museum of Belarus, GMAN, DEM, the State Pushkin Museum, the Theater Museum im. A. A. Bakhrushin, HF Russia.

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