Mikhailovich Kochergin

Russia • 1897−1974

(1897, Moscow – 1974, Leningrad).

Honored artist of the RSFSR.

In 1918 he graduated from the Stroganov Central school of industrial art. During the civil war, led poster workshop in Kharkov, was one of the organizers of the Baku branch of the "Window satire GROWTH," then Caucasian. Stood at the origins of the Soviet political poster. From 1922 he lived in Leningrad. Designed productions at the Leningrad puppet and other theaters. During the war, carried out the posters in the creative Association "Fighting pencil", created the drawings for postcards. More than 25 years of N. M.Kochergin dedicated to illustrating children's literature.

His works are in the Russian state library (Moscow), State Central Public Library them. N. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

1897 Born in Moscow.

1918 he Graduated from the Stroganov Central school of industrial art. The originators of the art of the Soviet political poster.

1918-1920 during the civil war, led poster workshop in Kharkov, was one of the organizers of the Baku branch of the "Window satire GROWTH," then Caucasian.

He lived in Leningrad.

In the 1920s - 1930s he Collaborated in the Leningrad puppet theater and designed productions for other theatres.

He worked primarily as magazine and book Illustrator. Played works of painting, sculpture and graphic works.

1941-1945 during the war carried out the posters in the creative Association "Fighting pencil".

1965 Honored artist of the RSFSR.

1974 Died in Leningrad.

The works of K. there are in Moscow at the Russian state library, St. Petersburg, state public library.

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