Mikhailovich Bushkov

Russia • 出生于 1943


Born in the village of New Multan Udmurt ASSR. From 1964 to 1968 he studied at the art College in Frunze, Kyrgyz SSR at the pedagogical Department. Since 1971, lives and works in Bratsk. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1987

Participation in exhibitions:

regional - since 1980;

zonal - 1980, 1985;

all-Russian (Moscow) 1984; (Voronezh) - 1986;

Republican (Frunze) - 1965 (Moscow) 1985, 1986;

all-Union (Moscow) 1985; (Penza) - 1987;

international (Moscow) - 1986

The winner of the all-Union poster competition (M., 1987) for the poster "Summary of crime", 1986.

  • 教育