Alekseevich Egian

Uzbekistan • 出生于 1978

Born may 10, 1978 in Baku. Love and capacity for artistic creativity was manifested in him since childhood. Vadim's grandfather on the maternal side of the famous painter Harutyun Yeghiyan. Already from the age of six the young artist participated in the exhibitions of children's art studios, studied directly from his grandfather doing in his Studio daily.

The family loved travel, in which separate plots and observations were embodied in memory of Vadim. Later he reflected them in his works; landscapes and sketches, executed in bright, decorative manner creative palette.

After school, Vadim has entered the Tashkent architectural - building Institute in the Department of design, while studying which continued to take up painting. Quite often participated in craft shows. His manner of painting and art improved with each passing year. There were new ideas, which he skillfully embodied in their works. During University years and after graduation, the young artist participated in the expanded a creative exhibition from the Republican interethnic cultural center of Uzbekistan, where he exhibited his paintings the following: "the Old monastery" "the moon valley", "Ruins", and others. Also hosted an exhibition of his subsequent works, including a series of "Masks" in Public "ART gallery"of Uzbekistan and the Roman Catholic

Church of Tashkent in the presence of guests from several countries of Asia and Europe.

Feedback about the events was published in the media, including the newspaper "Evening Tashkent" Pravda Vostoka.

Currently, the young master in addition to painting, he enjoys computer graphics and has created a number of works in this direction. Working in the advertising and publishing business and Polygraphy.

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