Arkadevna Ignatieva

Russia • 1952−1996


She was born in Kopeisk. He graduated from art-graphic faculty MGPI (1970-1975), defended with honors the diploma of teacher of painting, drawing and labor training. Taught at a secondary school in Chelyabinsk. He worked as a sculptor KMZ (1977-1986), teaching the basics of fine art in KISHI (1987-1991) and sculptural skills in kaslinskiy GPTU № 18 (1990-1996). He headed the art Department at the children's school of arts (1991) and he also taught at the Kaslinsky branch chpt Department of training masters the art of casting. Participant of exhibitions (since 1978), the USSR national economy. Awarded with diplomas and diplomas. Member of youth Association of Union of artists of the USSR (1982). Created more than 30 sculptures and decorative pieces for casting in iron.

  • 教育
  • 学生