Konstantinovich Komov

Russia • 1932−1994

Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1987), full member AH the USSR (1988). Member of the CPSU since 1962. Graduated From Moscow. hood. in-t (1959), disciple N.Tomsk and Alexander Drevin. Author of monuments to Pushkin (Kalinin, 1974; Boldin, 1979; Pskov, 1983), A. Venetsianova (Vyshniy Volochek, 1980), A. Suvorov (Moscow, 1982), Andrei Rublev (Moscow, 1985) and other works.

People's artist of USSR (1987), actions. member AH the USSR (1988). Graduated From Moscow. hood. Uch-school "memory of 1905" (1953) and Mosk. hood. in-t im. V. I. Surikov (1969). Since the 1960s, has repeatedly come to the Academic dacha them. I. E. Repin V. Volotsky district. K. the author of the monument to Ilya Repin (1974) on the Academic summer residence, to A. S. Pushkin (1974, GOS. prize of the RSFSR. I. E. Repin) and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (1976) in Tver, A. G. Venetsianova in V. Volochok (1980, GOS. prize of the USSR). In Tver. region cards. Gal. 8 works of K.

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