Andreevich Usov

Russia • 出生于 1935


Born in the village of thieves, Sudogda district, Vladimir region. Special education does not have a Mustache. Some of the basics of artistic skill he got in the Studio HARD at Vladimir House folk art. All they achieved over the years is the result of his companionship with nature, a thoughtful work, persistence in achieving goals, constant work on oneself. But a painter Mustache was not immediately. The first fifteen years he was fond of graphic works that castigated the vices of our reality. Material around was more than enough. In the mid-seventies he went through a period of creative change and a congenital in ancient times, the affection for nature took its toll. He is actively working, creating an all-new painting: "Winter afternoon", "the River Sodisca", "Dubki", "fishing." With interest look works created on motives of famous poems N. Nekrasov - "Once in the depths of winter", "Grandfather Mazay and the hares". Worked out by the writing style of many works of the author performed in dim, low-key, somewhat muted colours. This, according to the author, most realistically reflects the world around us.

"In our area, - says the artist - the bright colors in nature are quite rare, and excessive svetimosti paintings distort reality causes wrong about her judgment."

"My childhood and school years were spent in rural areas. Probably why I love nature and that love was the force that made me take up the brush and paint," says the artist. Over the years, the interest in painting is constantly increasing. And currently leaves his favorite hobby.

Writes a Mustache and still lifes. Here he is partial to wild flowers that loves. Note his still lifes, "Cornflower", "Kopanice", "Chamomile", "meadow Flowers", "Bouquet of wild flowers". Flowers the author worked out carefully to the subtleties trimmed every blade of grass, every petal and leaf look by the audience with great interest, paying tribute to the skill of the artist.

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