Member of the Union of artists of Ukraine. He studied at the Dnepropetrovsk state art school, then at the Kiev art Institute -1948-1950, in the Kharkiv art Institute - 1950-1954 g, at the faculty of advanced training at the art Institute. I. Y. Repin (Leningrad) - 1975-1976 the master's Works are in many museums and private collections.
Was born in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1954 he graduated from the Kharkov art Institute, where after graduating he taught.
Began active exhibition activity
1953 g..national art exhibition (1963). Anniversary public exhibition dedicated to the great October revolution Sotsialisticheskoi (1967). Exhibition devoted to 100 anniversary from the birthday of V. I. Lenin (1971).
Honored artist of Ukraine.
Created a series of works glorifying the everyday work of the Soviet people.
Works are in Kievan art Museum, in private collections of Russia and Europe.