Vasilevich Raspopov

Russia • 出生于 1932


Was born December 26, 1932 in the village of Palca Yarkovsky district of the Tyumen region. The first professional skills received from P. N. Masutatsu in Tobolsk. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1965. Sculptor. Works in easel, monumental, decorative sculpture, as well as in the forms of small plastic. In 1954-1978 worked in the Tobolsk art-production workshops of the Tyumen branch of the art Fund of the RSFSR. Taught in the art Studio at the pioneer House in Tobolsk (1956-1957).

Participant of city, regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union exhibitions. 1982 - personal exhibition in Tyumen (TKN). Works are TMII, THIAS, Nizhny Tagil art gallery, in the Tuvan Museum, and in private Russian collections. Lives in Tyumen.

(Artists of Tyumen: the Anniversary album/author of article Shafts A. A. EDS. biographical information Sezawa N. And.-Tyumen-OSHR, 1994.-P. 134-135)

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