Nikolaevich Afonov

Russia • 出生于 1956


He graduated from the Yaroslavl hood. Uch-school. Participant of exhibitions: mountains. in Norilsk since 1982, regional (Krasnoyarsk). Personal exhibition in Norilsk and Dudinka (2003). A. – in the Norilsk hood. gallery, Taimyr kraeved. the Museum, private collections in Russia, Finland, and Yugoslavia.

Graduated from Yaroslavl art school in 1980.

The direction worked in the Krasnoyarsk art Fund of the Union of artists of the USSR until 1993.

Since 1993 in Norilsk.

A member of the Union of artists of Russia, member of international Association of fine arts – "IAPA UNESCO", the Chairman of the Board of "Regional public organization of artists of Krasnoyarsk region "Taimyr – SOUTH".

Participant of city, regional, zonal, all-Russian and international exhibitions.

Since 1981, member of the "International Biennale of graphic art" in St.-Petersburg. 2006 Work is in the Norilsk Museum of history and mastering NPR, Norilsk art gallery, Norilsk city Administration, the administration of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region, Administration of the Governor of the Taimyr Autonomous district, "Svava" gallery", "Russian gallery at the Embassy of the Russian Federation", "Taimyr district center of national cultures"- Dudinka, in private collections in Russia and abroad.

  • 教育