Iosifovich Alatov

Russia • 出生于 1930


Thesis in the CVC - "Chuvash carpet", the rating is satisfactory. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(R. 23.9. 1930, d. Suppose of Margaux. district) — painter, member. CX USSR (1975). Graduated From Cheboksary. of arts. Uch-school (1957), Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin Academy of arts of the USSR (1966). He served in Sov. Army (1950-55). From 1966 he worked as an artist in the fine Arts. the Fund, 1975-79 — teach. Cheboksary. of arts. Uch-conductive. Party vseross. and zone REP. exhibitions: "Soviet Russia — 5", Moscow, (1975); "Great Volga", Gorky, USSR, (1974); Kazan (1980); Cheboksary (1966). DOS. prod.: "Is Tere telekensis" (Embroiderers, 1970), "T. Markova ballerina", "Tsvetkov oboist", "Timoshin Juras" (Singer Timoshin, 1973), "Puchases" (Spikes, 1985).

Lit.: The Marai D. World artists. In the Studio S. Altova // "Young Communist". 1975. 18 Oct.; Grigoriev A. Militancy. In the artist's Studio (P. Altova) // "Communism alive". 1980. 23 Sept.

  • 教育
  • 老师