Haizovic Galimov

Russia • 出生于 1958


Was born in 1958. Lives and works in Saint-Petersburg.

In 1986 has finished the Leningrad higher school of industrial art

them. Mukhina,now SPbGPU them..L.Stieglitz

A member of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Union of Artists, section of painting.

In 2007 was included in the catalogue "Best artists of Russia".

Works are in museums and private collections of different countries.

Follower of the realistic school of painting. Has been working hard.

The main bias of the artist's urban landscapes.

It is especially pronounced artistic talent. No matter

in what city and what country he works, Azat is able to feel and transfer on canvas

all notes of harmony, beauty and atmosphere of the place where it is located.

Written with great love landscapes, filled with exceptional ease,

realism, psychological insight, and evoke a sense of admiration.

The artist makes many sketches and wrote sketches, traveling to many countries.

Repeatedly participated in the exhibitions of the Leningrad branch of Union of artists.

Worked in Finland, Turkey, Montenegro, China, Bulgaria.

He painted landscapes and portraits, participated in exhibitions.

Personal exhibitions:

1992 HUD.Gal. Raahe (Finland)

2001-2005 Art gallery, Istanbul (Turkey)

2006-2007 art Gallery "Blue living room" Spbskh, Saint Petersburg

Collective exhibitions:

1991-2005 "Petersburg" Central exhibition hall "Manege" (St. Petersburg)

1993-2008 "Autumn", "Spring" VTS Spbskh

2003 "Artists of St. Petersburg" Central house of artists Moscow

2004-2005 Lenexpo (St. Petersburg)

2004-2006 ARTINDEX "Art-Petersburg'04-06"

2007 - " Autumn salon-2007 "

2008 the Second Moscow international Festival of Art "Traditions and modernity",

Central exhibition hall "Manege", Moscow.

"The path to the temple" hood.Gal. "N-Prospect" St. Petersburg.

5th international plein-air, Montenegro, Stoliv.

2009 Exhibition in Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen (China)

Exhibition in Varna, Bulgaria ( gallery InDIVA)

"So different white nights", Gal. "Mokhovaya-18", Saint-Petersburg

Plein-air in Bulgaria "prima-2009". Exhibitions in Varna, Sofia, Rousse, Burgas.

Exhibition in Rizhao (Rizhao), Shandong province (Shandong), China

Plein air on the island of Marmara, Turkey

Plein air in Zhuhai( Zhuhai), Guangdong province (Guandong), China

  • 教育