Yagubovich Narimanbekov (Vidadi)

Russia • 1926−2001

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1926 Born on July 13, in Cannes, France

1943-44 Studying at Azerbaijan State Art school named. Azimzadeh

1944-50 service in the Soviet Army

1950-53 Studying at Azerbaijan State Art school named. Azimzadeh

1953-56 Studies at the Leningrad Higher art-Industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina

1957-60 studies at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts

1958 participation in the exhibition of young artists of the Transcaucasian republics, devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Komsomol

1961 joined the Union of artists of the USSR

1964 Participated in an exhibition of works of Azerbaijani artists, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of admission of Azerbaijan to Russia. Moscow

1965 Participated in the all-Union art exhibition "On guard for peace"

1967 Participation in the all-Union jubilee art exhibition "50 years of Soviet power"

1968 Participation in all-Union art exhibition "50 years of the Komsomol". Elected member of the Board of the Union of Artists of the Azerbaijan SSR

1969 Participated in the art exhibition of the artists of the Caucasus - participants of the great Patriotic war. Tbilisi

1970 Participated in Republican art exhibition "50 years of Soviet power in Azerbaijan". Participation in all-Union art exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war

1971 participation in the exhibition of works of artists from the Caucasus to the 50 anniversary of the USSR

1972 Participation in all-Union art exhibition "USSR - our Motherland", devoted to the 50 anniversary of the USSR formation. Awarded a Silver medal. M. B. Grekova. Elected Board member of the Union of artists of the USSR

1972-86 he was Elected Deputy Chairman of the Union of Artists of the Azerbaijan SSR

1974 Part in all-Union art exhibition of a portrait. Vilnius

1975 Participation in all-Union art exhibition "30 years of Victory"

1976 Participation in all-Union art exhibition "Glory to labor!", dedicated to the XXV Congress of the CPSU

1977 Participation in all-Union art exhibition "On the Leninist path", dedicated to the great October socialist revolution. Participation in International art exhibitions in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany, Algeria, Finland, Italy, Austria, Turkey, India, Iraq. Awarded the title of Honored artist of Azerbaijan

1982 Awarded the title of people's artist of Azerbaijan

1992-2000 Personal art exhibition in the gallery "Buckerell" ("Bouscayrol"), France. Bordeaux, Pau, Biarritz

2001 Awarded the order of glory "Secret"

2001 died and was buried in Baku

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