Pavlovich Sheko

Russia • 出生于 1947

A Member Of The Creative Union Of Artists Of Russia,

The international Federation of Artists(IFA)

Alexander Sheko was born in Moscow in 1947

In 1969 he graduated from the training set designers at the Institute of Cinematography, then worked at the Studio "Mosfilm ".

In 1976 he joined in a picturesque section of the city Committee Schedules. Since that time, Alexander Sheko has become a permanent participant of the exhibitions in the hall at the little Georgia 28.

In 1979, A. Sheko met a wonderful artist B. A. Smirnov-Rusetskiy, became his friend and companion at creative travel 1979-1992. and exhibitions:

"Flowers and Stars", 1989,

"Ground and Earth" in 1991, the gallery "Belyaevo", Moscow;

"Russian North", 1992, Moscow,

"Ground and Earth" – an exhibition of memory (to the 100 anniversary from the birthday of B. A. Smirnov-Rusetsky), - 2004 St.-Petersburg, 2006 in Petrozavodsk (Karelia).

The works of Alexander Sheko are in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow, the Museum of Nonconformist art in St. Petersburg, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, the Museum of Valaam, in private collections of Russia, Europe and America. Picture A. Sheko been exhibited at the Museum of Cosmonautics in many countries of the world.

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