Ivanovich Zhmailov

Russia • 出生于 1945


Thesis in the CVC - a series of etchings "Labor Baltika" rating - excellent. The training took place in the graphical Department. Qualified graphic artist.

1945 – born in Leningrad

1961 – graduated from children art school # 190

1964 – graduated from Art school. Serov

1974 – graduated from the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. Repin graphic faculty (teachers: A. Pakhomov, V. Zvontsov, M. Taranov, G. Epifanov, N. Lomakin,

V. Vetrogonsky)

1976 – graduated from the graduate school at Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture

them. I. E. Repin, the beginning of exhibition activities

1976 – medal of the Academy of arts of the USSR and Union of artists of USSR for the series of etchings "Labor Baltika"

1978 – membership in the Union of artists of the USSR

1978 – prize of the Komsomol Central Committee, the Ministry of culture and the Union of artists of the RSFSR for the etching cycles: "Labor Baltika", "Fisherwomen of the Baltic sea", "Airport"

1981-1986 – senior lecturer of the faculty of graphics at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (object – etching)

1996-1998 – lecturer at the Art school. Roerich (ex. them. Serov)

Painter, graphic artist, Illustrator of books

  • 教育
  • 老师