Evgenievich Rozhin

Russia • 1908−2005


Training in WAH was held at the faculty of architecture.

Nar. architect Of the USSR (1989). Graduated from the Leningrad. The vkhutein (1930), disciple of V. G. Gelfreich, L. V. Rudnev, I. A. Fomin and V. A. Shchuko. In 1935-64 and from 1972 he taught at the Moscow architectural Institute, from 1975 Professor. In 1956-63 chief architect of Zelenograd (Moscow). The author projects ground metro stations "Novokuznetskaya" (1943), Elektrozavodskaya (1944, both Gelfreich), the building of the Soviet Embassy in Warsaw (1954-56, A. P. by Velikanova), Center. Luzhniki stadium In Moscow (et al., 1955-56) and other buildings. The Winner Of The St. (1946) and Flax. (1959) St.