Aleksandrovich Glinka

Russia • 1790−1831


The son of a major. In 1798 he entered the Academy of fine arts. Received the medal: 1807 – 2 silver; in 1808; in 1810 – 2 and 1 silver; in 1812, 1 gold for the program: "to Compose the plan for public entertainment of the residents of the capital city." In the same year was issued with a certificate of 1 degree and a sword. In 1818 he was sent abroad pensioner of the Academy of arts, where he returned in 1824 To 1830, the title of academician (work: reconstruction project of tombstones emperors Augustus and Hadrian; offset of count Rumyantsev Museum; the project's Lutheran Church. Peter, Senate, etc.); in 1831, defined in the Academy of arts as Professor of the 2nd degree.


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