Andreevich Tereshkovich

Russia • 1902−1978


Painter, graphic artist. In 1917 he studied at Mugusa. Since 1919 in exile, and from 1920 lived in Paris. Party lit.-hood. groups "Udar" (1921) and "Through" (1923-24). From 1939 he served in the French army, later a member of the Resistance. Exhibited at the hood. exhibitions in Paris, Geneva, new York, Tokyo. Author landscapes, portraits, easel and book. graphics, design theatre. performances and other works.

Born in the village Meshchersky, Moscow region, Russia. From 1907 he lived with his family in Moscow. From 1911 he studied at the studios of K. Yuon, I. Mashkov and F. Rerberg. In 1917 he entered the MUZHVZ, where he studied with P. Kuznetsov. In 1918 he enlisted in the Red army. Because of the military mess were in Batumi, where he worked on a tea plantation. Illegally moved to Constantinople, served as a stable boy in the British cavalry. In 1920, without money and passport was in Marseille, then in Paris. He found refuge in criticism S. Rum, through which he became acquainted with M. Larionov and V. Barth. He studied at the Academy Grand Shomer. Was friends with M. Chagall, Kisling and M. P. Flint, sometimes worked in the Studio of H. Soutine. In 1922 – 1923 he visited Berlin, where he held a solo exhibition at the gallery Neumann. In the early 1920s he published critical articles and essays in the journal "Stroke" and the newspaper "Days". Exhibited in the Salons: Autumn (since 1934 – member of the Salon), the Tuileries and the Independent. Participated in numerous group exhibitions of French and Russian artists in Paris, Geneva, Chicago, new York, Moscow, Belgrade, etc. Held solo exhibitions in Paris galleries T. Carmine (1924, together with W. Barth and A. Lansky), Ch. – A. Girard ( 1927 – 1934), Quatre Chemins (1927), Bernier (1948 – 1964), Petrides (1953 – 1975), the galleries of Zurich, nice, London, Tokyo, etc. he painted landscapes, still lifes and genre scenes. In 1930 he began a series of portraits of friends: H. Soutine, P. Bonnard, Georges Rouault, Braque, C. van Dogen, A. Derain, R. Dufy and many others. Works were bought by the Museum of jeu de Paume and Museum of Grenoble. In 1948, together with the painters M. Brensona, R. Lege, and J. d acai has created a group of "Poetic reality". Was in ballet, painted furniture and ceramics, executed the drawings for tapestries. The author of numerous lithographic series, watercolors and illustrations. In 1950 – 1960s for a long time worked in Finland, Tunisia, Algeria, Mexico, USA and the far East. In 1951 he received the Grand prize of the 1st Biennale in Menton. He was awarded the Legion of honor and the order of Arts and letters. Presented in the greatest collections in Europe and the United States.

  • Artworks in 1 collection
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