Vladimirovich Welboy


Member of the Union of Artists of Russia (Sverdlovsk regional office)

Schedule. His favorite genres – portrait, landscape.
Valery Velboy was born in Sverdlovsk in 1949. In 1969. graduated from the Ural Polytechnic University. In 1973 1978гг. studied at the faculty of technical design of printed products of the Moscow polygraphic Institute. Then he returned to Ekaterinburg. Was engaged in design of books for publishers. Supervised the art room in 1981-85gg. Since 1980. participates in various trade shows of different status:
2003 – regional art exhibition "Ural" in Ekaterinburg
2005 – personal exhibition in House of artists in Yekaterinburg
Also regularly participates in the Traditional exhibition charts the artist's House in Yekaterinburg... the Union of artists is from 2006.
In his work, appeals to various graphic techniques, namely: drawing, linocut, etching and its varieties (pure etching, aquatint, reserve, soft lacquer, etc.), also likes working in the original graph (pencil, charcoal, sanguine, sauce, ink, watercolor, gouache etc.). Uses mixed techniques. Also works successfully in industrial graphics and design. Spent a lot of time drawing and illustrating books. His drawings are diverse and very lively, imbued with calm and thoughtfulness.

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