
Japan • 1716−1783


Yosa Buson, also Busson, Ena, ESA, Teso, Dog, Taniguchi etc. aliases (jap. 与謝蕪村, 1716 Cam, a suburb of Osaka on December 25, 1783, Kyoto) is a Japanese poet of the eighteenth century, the master of the genre "haiku", also known as a writer, essayist and artist. Along with Matsuo Basho and Kobayashi Issa, Buson is considered one of the greatest Japanese poets of the Edo period.

The buson is a pseudonym, which the poet signed his works in later years. Before that he used other aliases. The constant use of aliases is typical for Japanese culture. In Japan, it was decided to do poetry out of some school or current. Therefore, starting to publish their poems, the poet is obliged to become a member of the poetry society, and, according to tradition, at this point was to elect the pseudonym. Alias is allowed to feel as a person who has experienced a new turn in his spiritual life, and as such turns could be a lot, and poetic school could change, and aliases can change or accumulate.

The buson was born in the village of Cam the province Sattu. His real name is not known. It is believed that he was the son of the village chief by the name of Taniguchi (hence the nickname Taniguchi). The mother was a native of the village of ESA, and therefore, subsequently, the poet often called themselves, Buson. The buson received a good education, read Chinese and Japanese classics, he studied painting. Early lost his parents, at the age of twenty went to Edo (now Tokyo), where he studied poetry and painting under the guidance of Han Hazina (1676-1742) — one of the greatest masters haikai that time, who continued the line bass. In 1751 moved to Kyoto. The buson never even achieving some success, recognition and material prosperity, did not return home. The reasons for this are unknown. Meanwhile, in the poetry of Buson very strong mood of nostalgia. There is even a nostalgic cycle "Spring breeze over the dam Cam". The analogy such conduct is in Russian literature. Vladimir Nabokov refused to go home, when in the era of perestroika he had the opportunity. Nabokov is explained by the fact that he did not want to destroy the established in his memory the images clash with reality.

Under the influence of his idol Basho, Buson traveled to Japan (about 10 years), particularly in the Northern area of Honshu that inspired at the time Basho to write his famous diary "along the paths of the North". The buson lived with his friend the poet Gantt in the town of Yuki, wandered through the district of Tohoku. Unlike Basho, Buson left a solid prose works. In 1744 he published notes ("haibun" — Japanese frma essay) about their travels, first used the name Buson as his alias. In the future, Buson will be the key poetic pseudonym; as a painter he was known by the name of Teso.

At the age of 45 years Buson married, had a daughter, Kuno. After settling down after his travels forever in Kyoto Buson was teaching and writing poetry at the Sumiya, tea house, preserved in Shimabara so far. In 1770 the Buson was announced by the head of the school of poets "the Midnight garden" as the successor of Hazina. The buson took alias his master of Hazina, and began to write under the name of Ajanta (jap. 夜半亭). The buson received the title of "tenza", which gave the right to be a judge at poetry competitions. It was not only honorable, but also profitable the title, as for judging well paid. Since that time, Buson was able much more attention than before to devote to poetry because now he could earn in this field, not only as an artist. In the last 15 years of life, and Buson wrote the best of his poems, becoming in 1770 a professional poet.

The buson died at the age of 68 years and was buried in Kyoto.

  • 艺术类型