Dmitrievich Blokhin

Russia • 出生于 XX 世纪
1982 - 1986 - Leningrad secondary art school at the Institute of painting, sculpture and arhitektrury them. I. E. Repin.
1989 - 1995 Saint - Petersburg state academic Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin (St. Petersburg IZHSA them. I. E. Repin)
1995 - 2000 - Workshop of Professor V. I. reihet, SPb IZHSA them. I. E. Repin.
Since 1996 - member of Union of artists of Russia.
Since 1995 teaches at the Department of drawing SPb IZHSA them. I. E. Repin.

2002 - Grand Prix of the International competition of the American Association of artists-portraitists (Portrait Competition of the American Society of Portrait Artist (ASOPA))
2004 - Prize "Best of the Show" the International competition of the society of artists-portrait painters of America (International Portrait Competition of the Portrait Society of America (PSA))
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