Viktorovich Dudin

Ukraine • Kiev • 画家, 收藏家
Honored artist of Ukraine(1992)
Member of the Union of artists of the USSR(1980)
Member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine(1991)

Born August 25, 1949 in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)
1968 graduated from the Gorky art College
1974 graduated from Leningrad higher art-industrial school named after V. I. Mukhina. Lecturers V. F. Markov, and K. M. Mitrofanov
1974-1987 the artist, the main artist of the plant "Mikond", Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1987-2002 painter, chief artist of the Kiev factory of artistic glass, Kiev, Ukraine
2002-2003 main artist XTS.Kiev
2004-2007 artist restoration company "Master".Kiev
2008-2009 artist glassworks "Artglas".Kiev
Main exhibitions:
1976 "Youth of country", Moscow
1981 "New samples", Moscow
1983 "Glass-83", Moscow
1984 "Art Of Uzbekistan", Moscow
1985 "Art Of Uzbekistan", Leningrad
1986 "Industrial exhibition in the world trade Center", Moscow
1989 "Exhibition dedicated to 175th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko", Kiev
1991 Exhibition-auction "Art of USSR", California, USA
1991 international exhibition "Stekloprom-91", Kiev
1992 national exhibition "Glass of Ukraine", Kyiv
1993 international exhibition "Stekloprom-93", Kiev
1995 "Glass Of Ukraine", Kyiv
1997 national exhibition "Glass and ceramics of Ukraine", Kyiv
1999 "Ukrstekloprom-99", Kiev
2000 international exhibition "Japan—Ukraine", Kiev
2006 Exhibition "Decorative applied art", Kiev
2007 international exhibition "Ukrstekloprom-2007", Kiev
2007 national exhibition "Glass of Ukraine", Kyiv
2008 Exhibition "Decorative applied art",Kiev
2008 national exhibition "Songs about love", Kiev
2009 Solo exhibition "Vyacheslav Dudin.Art glass", Kiev
2015 Exhibition "Glass.Ceramics.Metal",Kiev
Works are kept in museums in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Kiev (Ukraine) private collections in USA, Russia, Italy, Belgium,Poland.

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