Master of Saint Egidio

France • Paris • 出生于 XVI 世纪


Master of Sant'egidio (FR. Maître de Saint-Gilles) — Franco-Dutch master probably worked in Paris about 1500.
Wrote in a delicate late Gothic manner, with careful textures and light, and believable with real interiors, outstanding his relationship with the Dutch art (not established whether he was a Frenchman who studied in the Netherlands, or a Dutchman who emigrated to France). In his work the visible adaptation such as Madonna entered Rohira van der Weyden (see "head of a woman", metro). He also atributiruetsya the portrait of Philip the fair, who considered the original version of the divergent iconographic type.

This pseudonym was given to an anonymous artist max Friedlander, who reconstructed the legacy of the master, starting from two panels in the National gallery of London, which was part of a large altar dedicated to St. Giles and two other boards in Washington.