Raphael. The Effect of Genius

展览 2 七月 − 3 十月 2021
Hamburg Kunsthalle is holding an exhibition "Raphael. The Effect of Genius.".

With some 200 engravings, drawings, paintings, photographs and books from its own collection, the museum displays the unique influence of Raphael Santi (1483-1520), one of the outstanding artists of the Renaissance. Raphael was a superstar of the era, who rushed from success to success in his short life and was showered with honorary commissions from the highest dignitaries. With his paintings and frescoes, he set the standard for European art not only for his time, but for centuries to come. The highlight of the exhibition are five drawings by Raphael from the Kupferstichkabinett collection.

Raphael himself initiated the dissemination of his pictorial ideas through graphic art, a process that has found the richest followers for over three hundred and fifty years. The exhibition features outstanding interpretations of Raphael's masterpieces, such as the School of Athens, the Sistine Madonna and the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Viewers will also see numerous hand drawings based on Raphael's compositions, such as those by Philip Otto Runge.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Hamburg Kunsthalle.