Misha Brusilovsky. Labyrinths of Time

展览 9 六月 − 8 八月 2021
Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art holds an exhibition "Misha Brusilovsky. Labyrinths of Time".

Visitors will see the first large-scale exhibition of Misha Shayevich Brusilovsky, one of the most prominent Russian artists of the second half of XX century.

Among the Sixties, Brusilovsky is a special artist: stylistically recognizable, able to transform the everyday into a parable, and a fact of history into a global myth. Among the themes close to the author - the turbulent history of the twentieth century, biblical stories, ancient myths and pictures of everyday life, seen from the depths of time. In the ordinary, he managed to find timeless subjects. If we judge the artist by his paintings, where the past, present and future converge in a strange authenticity, then Brusilovsky is a talented stalker on the loops and labyrinths of Time. The exhibition at the Erarta Museum is precisely about how creativity transforms the mundane into a sublime legend, into a parable. So far, Brusilovsky's works have been seen in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Moscow, Paris, London, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Berlin, Venice, and now also in St. Petersburg.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art.