The Return Journey: American Art in Spain

展览 5 十月 2021 − 13 二月 2022
The Museo Nacional del Prado is holding an exhibitionThe Return Journey: American Art in Spain".

The exhibition reveals a little-known phenomenon: the fact that after the conquest of Latin America and before its independence, more works of art arrived in Spain from that continent than from Flanders or Italy, and the movement of works was not unidirectional, from Spain to Latin America, as is usually assumed. The exhibition features more than 100 works from Latin America that have been preserved in Spanish cultural and religious institutions for centuries.

Some of the pieces were previously in the royal collections of Spain and were exhibited in the same palaces where Rubens and Velázquez paintings were kept, which was not previously recognized by the Museo del Prado. The present exhibition aims to remedy this and offer a richer and more comprehensive view of the circulation and reception of art objects in Spain during the Early Modern period. 63 national and 3 international lenders contributed to the exhibition by lending 95 of the 107 works on display, created in Peru, Colombia, Mexico and elsewhere. Of these exhibits, 26 were specially restored for the exhibition.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Prado National Museum.