Leonardo and copies of the Mona Lisa

展览 28 九月 2021 − 23 一月 2022
The Museo Nacional del Prado holds an exhibition "Leonardo and copies of the Mona Lisa.".

The exhibition introduces copies of Leonardo's fascinating works, including Mona Lisa, Madonna and Child with St. Anne, and Saviour of the World, which were created in the presence of da Vinci himself and under his supervision.

There were times when Leonardo found it difficult to paint because of his perfectionism and many other activities, and his students took up the work. Studying the works of Leonardo's workshop reveals aspects of the creative personality of its participants. It also tells us about their training with Leonardo, which focused on observing and understanding the effects of light and colour. When his students' work reflected the goals he had identified for art, the master was willing to impart ideas to them so that they could try our different ways of painting.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Prado National Museum.