Xenia Hausner. True lies

展览 28 九月 2021 − 16 一月 2022
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in the halls of the Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th-20th Centuries presents the exhibition "Xenia Hausner. True Lies.".

The exhibition includes 30 paintings by Ksenia Hausner, as well as a number of photographs created by the author in preparation for painting.

Dramatic, colorful and emotionally charged works of the artist do not leave anyone indifferent and clearly demonstrate that the possibilities of figurative painting today are far from being exhausted. Hausner's paintings have a profound effect not only on the visual, but also on the emotional level: the viewer is gripped by the drama of intense and simultaneously very intimate and deep contact between human beings. A special gift of the artist is her ability to convey finely orchestrated emotion, which colors the relationships between the characters on her canvases.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.