(U)Dacha Art

展览 11 − 21 五月 2022
In honor of the opening of the dacha season, the international association of artists ASM-Club (asm-club.com) holds an exhibition and sale of "(U)Dacha Art.
The dacha is a special place for many city dwellers, fondly loved and even sacred. They go there to feel the peace, to breathe in the aromas of the blooming garden, to walk through meadows and forests... During the warm season, the dacha often becomes a second home. So why not add man-made beauty to its image?
Association artists ASM-Club present works created to decorate the dacha interior. Light and bright, kind and cozy, allegorical and epathetic - which one should you choose? And know that whichever creation you choose, its price will be the most democratic: up to 15 thousand rubles.
The format of the exhibition "(u)dacha art": painting, handmade.
A complete list of authors and an online gallery are available at asm-club.com at in the "Exhibitions" section .
The exhibition is aimed at a wide range of visitors. No age restrictions. Organized by the International Artist Support Club ASM-Club, curator Tamara Tanatarova.
In partnership with the gallery Urbanfresco.
Galleries at the exhibition