Exhibition "Nikolai Zhogolev. Graphics"

展览 27 五月 − 19 六月 2022
may 26 at 17.00 in the Primorsky State Picture Gallery opens the exhibition "Nikolai Zhogolev. Graphics". The master of coastal painting, the master of thematic painting will appear before the spectator from the unexpected side - the exposition will show more than twenty graphic works of the artist in the genres of portrait and landscape for the first time. The exhibition is part of the project "Heritage" - a series of solo exhibitions, introducing the audience to the work of prominent coastal artists of the past years.
Art historians note the coloristic giftedness of Nikolai Zhogolev, the emotional richness of his paintings. And at the exhibition, viewers will see mostly monochrome original graphic works, made in the 1970s-1980s, depicting the constant search of the master of subjects and heroes for picturesque works and in their own way demonstrating the bright creative temperament of the artist.
Nikolai Pavlovich Zhogolev (1929-2012) - Honored Artist of Russia (2003), member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1964). Born in the Samara region, in the village Obsharovka. In 1952 he became a student of the Vladivostok Art College, where his teachers were Kirill Ivanovich Shebeko and Vasily Savelievich Zdanovich. After graduating from VHU with honors, in 1962, he entered the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin in the workshop of remarkable artist Evsei Evseevich Moiseenko. After graduation from the institute asked to send him back to Vladivostok, where he began teaching first at the college, and then at the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Arts. Nikolai Zhogolev brought up more than one generation of Primorye artists, among his students were Anatoly Matyukhin, Evgeny Fomin, Vitaly Medvedev.
Age Limit: 18+
The exhibition will run until June 19
Ticket price: 400 rubles. - adults, 300 rubles. - Schoolchildren, students, pensioners.
Tickets online and by Pushkin Card: primgallery.t…1D8F94F576
We look forward to seeing you in the Main Enfilade of the Primorsky State Art Gallery at 12 Aleutskaya St
Information by phone: 241-06-10.