Maria Primachenko. "Giving to Ukraine!"

展览 27 七月 − 30 十月 2022

The National Museum named after Andrew Sheptytsky The Andriy Sheptytsky National Museum invites you to visit the long-awaited exhibition Maria Primachenko "Giving to Ukraine!".

The exhibition includes more than 100 works of the bright representative of naive art Maria Primachenko (1909-1997) from the collection of academician Eduard Dimshits.
An art researcher, Dimshitz has been collecting works by the artist for the past three decades.

Most of the exhibited paintings belong to the late period in the work of Maria Primachenko and take the audience into a fantastic world of amazing creatures, animals, birds and flowers.

Prepared on the basis of National Museum named after. Andrei Sheptytsky National Museum.