Tales of the old house

展览 7 二月 − 1 五月 2024
Ekaterina Filiuta is the owner of bright-emotional and multidimensional artistic talent, manifested in different types of fine arts.
At the beginning of her creative path, Ekaterina appeared before the audience as a master of arts and crafts. Showing maximum imagination and ingenuity in working with leather, she created original details of clothes, unique jewelry and interior items.
The manifestation and disclosure of Catherine's painting talent occurred gradually in the process of overcoming doubts, but contemplating her paintings, you can't even guess about it. In them one can feel the turbulent flow of energy, beating over the edge, one can feel with what pleasure she spills out on the canvas the joy of creative inspiration.
Another role of the artist is black and white watercolor, a little wordy, but very eloquent. In its full of hints of understatement one can read an extraordinary depth of content.
Galleries at the exhibition