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Landscape in the Interior: Always a Good Idea

Not everyone is lucky to find an apartment with a beautiful view from the window. But you can fix the situation: buy a painting, a landscape that will make you forget about the unsightly street landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? 继续阅读
. But first you need to think about what landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? 继续阅读
will decorate your room. Moreover, a properly selected picture can even push the boundaries of the room.
Landscape in the Interior: Always a Good Idea

Deep philosophy or “pictures with trees”?

Most people say that a landscape is a peaceful picture, a beautiful natural view. This is a picture without people, which is why it is associated with calmness and emotionlessness. In fact, this is not the case. It is possible to buy a landscape painting that will evoke disturbing or even sad thoughts and feelings. A good landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
always has a deep semantic load and symbolic meaning.

The landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
is not always true and realistic. A good painting will never be an exact copy of nature. Very often, artists of the past idealized nature — it was fashionable in the era of romanticism. But later they stopped painting photographically exact copies of landscapes, but added there what they wanted to see. Of course, more than a hundred years later, we do not know what the poplars looked like on the banks of the Epte, but we see them as Claude Monet presented them to us.
Claude Monet. Poplars on Epte
Poplars on Epte
1889, 81.8×81.3 cm
Nature rarely exists outside of time on realistic canvases. But the season usually has a symbolic meaning or conveys the emotions of the artist. However, you can buy a landscape painting of romanticism, impressionism
No doubt, you know about Impressionism a lot: you could mention the names of the famous artists and find with ease the exhibition at museums with gleaming water surface and the same image painted in different time of the day and of course you know the scandalous history of the First Impressionist Exhibition and could distinguish Monet and Manet. So, it is high time to switch to the next level: some additional details you would like to know about Impressionism. Read more
, and even one of the avant-garde
Avant-garde is how modern art critics refer the general trend of new artistic directions that arose in world art at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A very thin line separates it from the concept of “modernism”. Read more
styles. There, the season can fade into the background. But any canvas has an emotional impact. Therefore, before purchasing a painting, it is important to understand how this landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
affects you. Does it evoke a feeling of happiness or, conversely, sadness, lightness, or anxiety.
Jan Vermeer. Delft view
Delft view
1661, 96.5×115.7 cm

What should the landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
look like?

There is no single answer to this question. Many people who prefer the classical style are eager to buy a landscape depicting the nature of central Russia. This is probably due to the fact that the school pays a lot of attention to such kind of painting. And the notorious Bears in the Forest is the first association with the landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more

Therefore, people buy either reproductions of Shishkin’s paintings, or very mediocre works of street artists or Internet artists, which are not of particular value, but replicate images that are understandable to everyone.

Finding such canvases is not a problem. You can buy such a landscape painting in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in any city where street artists offer their works. It’s easier than looking for interesting paintings in a gallery.
Of course, among the works of street artists, there are really good works. The question arises, how to distinguish a good landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
from a bad one? The philosopher Henri Frédéric Amiel said that landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
is a state of mind. If you feel the emotions of the artist, this is already a worthwhile work. If this is "beauty" that does not say anything about his vision of nature, refrain from buying such a canvas.

Light defines the emotional component in the landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
. If you compare a landscape to a canvas, light is both in brush and paints. Look at the painting from this point of view and think about what it is talking about. Listen to your feelings, because you’ll not have the canvas in front of your eyes all the time.

How to choose a landscape: practical advice

In addition to the emotional component, the aesthetic is important. The landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
should fit into the home space. For example, romanticism
Romanticism replaced the austere Classicism in painting and brought something new with it: emotions, excitement, colours, and distinct expressiveness. Quite often the style of Romanticism is confused with "romantic" images in painting and pastoral scenes. Still, it was a person with all the emotions and a rich inner world which was in the focus of attention of creators of all genres of the late 18th – early 19th centuries – from music to painting. Read more
and even realism
Realism (from late Latin reālis — “real”) is considered to be the beginning in the development of modern art. In a strict sense, “realism” is an art movement that faithfully and objectively reproduces reality in all its details, regardless of how beautiful are the objects in the picture. Read more
don’t look very good in loft or high-tech style. They need a classic interior, perhaps a country style or eclecticism.
But if the apartment is decorated in a modern style (loft, minimalism), then it is better to abandon realistic landscapes in favour of modernist paintings. You can find black and white photo landscapes and design them as posters. Or buy an avant-garde canvas by a young artist.

As it is the case with other paintings, size matters. Not always a wall-size landscape
The development of the genre from antiquity to the present day: how did religion and the invention of oil painting contribute to the development of the genre in Europe, and why was the Hudson River so important? Read more
can visually expand the boundaries of a small room. Sometimes, on the contrary, it emphasizes its small size. It is better to "try on" the work before buying it — galleries often practice such options.
Recommended exhibitions and views
Landscape in the Interior: Always a Good Idea
It only remains to find an interesting canvas. It is easier to buy a landscape in Moscow than in a small town. But the Internet has expanded the possibilities. You can find the works by young artists on social networks. Or use the relevant section on our website — we have collected works by 30 thousand artists, and their number is growing. To search, you can use the comprehensive filter and scroll through experts' selections.