
Oleg Zelikov. Winter Moscow
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Winter Moscow
2024, 70×50 厘米
库森科 弗拉基米罗维奇 弗拉基米罗维奇. Embankment of the Dnieper 2023 canvas, oil 60 x 90 cm.
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Embankment of the Dnieper 2023 canvas, oil 60 x 90 cm.
2023, 60×2 厘米
Remedios Varo. Harmony
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1956, 76×94 厘米
Anthony van Dyck. 自画像与向日葵
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1632, 73×60 厘米
Joan Miro. 美丽的鸟,揭示未知的情侣夫妇
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1941, 45×38 厘米
David Hockney. Pearblossom highway, 11-18 April 1986
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Pearblossom highway, 11-18 April 1986
1986, 198×282 厘米
Pablo Picasso. 吉他
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1913, 66.4×49.6 厘米
Philip Andreevich Malyavin. 笑声
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1899, 194×428 厘米
Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov. On the arable land. Spring
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On the arable land. Spring
1820-第 , 65.5×51.2 厘米
Hans Rudolph Giger. Atomic children
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Atomic children
1968, 170×108 厘米
Joseph Mallord William Turner. 暴风雪船在港口入口处
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1842, 91.4×121.9 厘米
Otto Dix. Portrait of the journalist Sylvia von Harden
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Portrait of the journalist Sylvia von Harden
1926, 121×89 厘米
John Collier. Lilith
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1889, 194×104 厘米
Egon Schiele. The Embrace (Lovers)
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The Embrace (Lovers)
1917, 100×170.2 厘米