Nikolayevich Zhdanov

Artist in social media
I live in St. Petersburg.
Higher education. I have no art education.
Rating Center of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia on November 15, 2022 gave me a category 5B (established professional artist).
I have been painting in oil since the early 2000s. In recent years I prefer to write genre (narrative and historical) works.
I didn't show my work anywhere until 2020.
In 2020, he first exhibited work on the art website Gallerich, then on the website at the Library of Fine Arts.
In 2021 and in 2022 he received personal invitations to participate in international exhibition-competitions.
In 2021, the New York Realism Fine Art panel of judges awarded "The Old Lantern Man" a Special Gold Medal in the REALISM category for winning An International Fine Arts Exhibit COLOR of the ARTIST FLOW New York Realism Online Gallery New York City.
In 2022 at the International Competition and Exhibition "Landscapes of Russia" the work "Kizhi Pogost" was awarded first place in the category Architectural Landscapes.
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