Semyonovich Vedernikov

Russia • Saint Petersburg • 1898−1975
graphic artist, painter, watercolorist, landscape painter. Professor. People's Artist of the RSFSR. Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. Member of the Union of Artists. Member of the association "Circle of Artists". Member of the society "Circle of Artists" (1928-1930).
He was born in Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod Province (November 23) December 06, 1898 in the Old Believer family of merchants-parokhodchiki. His love for Russian folk art, which originated in childhood, remained throughout his life. The future artist entered a practical school in Nizhny Novgorod, from which he was not able to graduate: October 1917. The young man volunteered for the Red Army. Returning to Gorodets in 1921, Vedernikov enrolled at the Nizhny Novgorod Art School. From 1921 to 1923 he studied at the Art College of Nizhny Novgorod with A. Kuprin and A. Fonvizin. 1924, he enrolled at the painting department of the Leningrad Higher Art and Technical Institute, studied with O.I. Braz, A.E. Karev, but in 1927 he left the study at the Institute, having received a certificate on the completion of the four-course faculty of painting. Almost thirty years later, in 1954, Vedernikov defended his diploma at the Graphics Department of LIJSA named after IE Repin with the title: graphic artist. Diploma work - a series of watercolors "Landscapes of Leningrad and the Volga. Since 1928 - the active exhibition activity, in the same year joined the Association "Circle of Artists". Since 1932 in Leningrad Union of Soviet Artists, from 1939 worked in the experimental lithographic workshop of the Leningrad Branch of Artists. Professor. People's Artist of the RSFSR. Full member of the AH the USSR. Alexander Vedernikov actively engaged in educational activities. In 1936-1937 he worked at the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture as Associate Professor of Architecture. From 1936 to 1960 with interruptions he taught at the Leningrad Institute of Civil Engineering. During the war in Leningrad, he participated in the production of posters "Battle Pencil", worked on portraits of sailors of the Baltic Fleet, drawing on warships. Having survived the Leningrad blockade, he was evacuated to Gorodets and worked as a teacher at the Gorodets High School. Since 1945, he again lives in Leningrad, but every summer he comes to Gorodets to his sister T.S. Ganina. Here he was working on paintings "Gorodets on the Volga", "Canal and locks Gorky HPP", "Gorky Bridge over the Volga" and others. In postwar period he worked mainly in the technique of watercolor and circulating graphics. His work is widely known. Lyrical and colorful paintings of Leningrad, landscapes of the Volga near Gorodets, colorful decorative still life - all these works of the artist were repeatedly exhibited at exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Alexander S. Vedernikov belonged to the artists, "united in our understanding of the concept of the "Leningrad school," and was one of its leading representatives. General characteristics of artists of the Leningrad school, including Vedernikov, are considered: "broad vision"-the breadth of painterly technique; the principal use of "quick writing"; the importance of silhouette; the use of transparent, silvery and soft tonal scales and blurred contours of objects. Landscapes written by masters of the Leningrad school were characterized by the fact that artists often wrote them not from nature, but from memory, as well as by the fact that they wrote the same constantly recurring motif - usually, a view from the window. "For the most part, landscape painters of the Leningrad school constantly painted a view from the window of their studio ... this is how the Vedernikov series came into being." The best part of the artist's creative heritage are lyrical landscapes of Leningrad, often painted from the window of his house on Maly Prospect of Vasilyevsky Island. He died January 21, 1975 in Leningrad at the age of 77. Buried at the Bogoslovsky Cemetery. Exhibitions and auctions: 1928 - 2nd exhibition of the society "Circle of Artists" Leningrad; 1929 - 3rd exhibition of paintings and sculpture society "Circle of Artists" in the club of the plant "Red Triangle". Leningrad; an exhibition of the society "Circle of Artists. London; 1930. - First City Exhibition of Fine Arts. Leningrad; Exhibition of the Leningrad Association "Circle of Artists. Kiev; 1933 - an exhibition of paintings of the Leningrad Regional House of Artists. Leningrad; 1934 - Exhibition of summer works in the House of Artists; 1935. - The first exhibition of the Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Exhibition of paintings by Leningrad artists. Moscow; 1936 - Exhibition of paintings and graphics by Leningrad artists. Baku; autumn exhibition of Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1937 - Exhibition of technical posters. Moscow; 1938 - Mobile exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata, Dushanbe; 1940. - The fifth exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1941 - Exhibition of the best works of Soviet artists. Moscow; Seventh exhibition of works by artists of Leningrad. Leningrad; Exhibition of works by Leningrad and Moscow artists. Tallinn, Tartu; 1945. - Exhibition of watercolors by artists AS Vedernikov, A. Romanov "Pulkovo - Pskov - Pushkin. Leningrad; Traveling Exhibition "Leningrad graphics 1941-1945. Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, Lvov, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod; Traveling exhibition "Heroic Leningrad. Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, Chernovtsy, Uzhgorod; 1946 - All-Union art exhibition. Moscow; Exhibition of works of Leningrad graphic artists. Tallinn; Exhibition of Graphics, Watercolor and Drawing of Soviet Artists. Riga, Tukums, Liepaja; Exhibition of Leningrad graphic artists. Tallinn; Exhibition of graphics, watercolor and drawing by Soviet artists. Warsaw; 1947 - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1948 - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1952 - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1953 - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Spring Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1954. - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Spring Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Exhibition of graphic works of Leningrad artists. Perm; 1956 - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Spring exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Autumn exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1957 - All-Union art exhibition on the 40-th anniversary of the Great October Socialist revolution. Moscow; Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, drawings to the First All-Union Congress of Soviet artists. Moscow; Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists on the 40 th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Leningrad; Autumn exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Mobile exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Murmansk; Exhibition of teachers in drawing and painting Leningrad. - The exhibition of works by artists of Leningrad. Leningrad; Autumn exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Exhibition of creative works of teachers of the department of drawing, painting and sculpture LISI. Leningrad; All-Union Exhibition of prints. Leningrad; 1959 - the Autumn exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Exhibition of creative works of teachers of the department of drawing, painting and sculpture LISI. Leningrad. 1960. - The exhibition of works by artists of Leningrad. Leningrad; Republican Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia". Moscow; Exhibition of creative works of teachers of the department of drawing, painting and sculpture Leningrad. Moscow; Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. Leningrad; Exhibition "Soviet estamp 1917-1961. Volgd; 1962 - Second All-Union exhibition of prints. Kiev; Graphic Arts. Traveling exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. Moscow; Autumn exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1964 - Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1965 - Second Republican Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia. Moscow; 1967 - The Third Republican Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia. Moscow; the Third all-Union exhibition of prints. Moscow; Exhibition "B.N. Ermolaev, A.S. Vedernikov. Berlin; 1970. - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists "Lenin Dedicated to Lenin. Leningrad; 1971 - The Second Tallinn Triennial of Graphics. Tallinn; 1973 - Still Life. Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Leningrad; 1978. - Personal exhibition of A.S. Vedernikov. Leningrad. 1980. - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists on the 35th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Leningrad, 1981. - The exhibition "St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad in the works of Russian and Soviet artists. Leningrad; 1982. - Exhibition "The Art of garden and park of Leningrad in the works of artists and architects. XVIII-XX centuries. Leningrad. Works by Vedernikov are in the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, in museums and private collections in Russia, Finland, Germany, Britain, France and other countries.
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