Sergeevich Sergienko

Russia • Moscow • geboren in 1975 • künstler

Biografie und Informationen

Sergienko Dmitry Sergeevich was born on November 29, 1975 in the city of Lugansk in one of its oldest districts Kamenny Brod.

From a very young age he began to draw. And already in the third grade he enters the art studio to Malikova Antonina Andreevna. From that moment begins a long way of becoming an artist.

In the studio, he receives his first lessons in drawing and composition.

Easily comprehends the basics of painting and after a year participates in an international exhibition.

The international pioneer camp "Young Guard" (Odessa) goes with the winners to win the competition. Studio still lifes, summer plein airs with the teacher, all this gave the first lessons in the knowledge of art, skill.

In 1990 he entered the Lugansk Art School on the specialty of artist - painter.

From the first days he had a great understanding of his studies, studying human construction in anatomy, color science in painting, composition and drawing. The main teachers (painting, drawing and composition) were: Bespruzhnaya L.M. and Fulidi D.G.

Having collected all the accumulated knowledge for five years of study at the art school, he writes a diploma work entitled "There, in the entrances, hiding striped cats". The painting depicts a full moon night in the city.

After graduating from the Lugansk Art School (1996) he goes to St. Petersburg and in the same year enters the first year of the Art Academy named after I.E. Repin on the specialty of artist - painter. I.E. Repin on the specialty of artist - painter.

From the third year he studied in the studio of easel painting named after O.A. Eremeev, then rector of the Academy. During his studies, he worked at Lenfilm as a set decorator with such directors as. V. Bortko on the series "Bandit Petersburg" and S. Gazarov on the series "Empire Under Attack".

The graduation from the academy was a diploma work with the title "Blockade" 2002.