Rudolfovich Eberling

Russia • 1872−1951

A graduate of the Academy of arts, founder and member of the "Society named after A. Kuindzhi", Mariupol, student of Ie Repin, the Director of the Imperial Society for the encouragement of arts, court painter, A. R. Eberling became famous in pre-revolutionary years. While working on "Demon", the artist with warmth and tenderness draws Tamara's show the thinnest shades of her feelings.

Russian artist, photographer, teacher, Alfred Rudolfovich Eberling was born in Zgierz (Poland). From 1889 to 1899 he studied at the Academy of fine arts. At the turn of the XIXI-XX centuries Eberling frequently exhibited at the spring exhibitions in the halls of the Academy. . In 1899-1900, he studied at the higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts. In 1900 he studied in Munich under F. Lenbach. The greater part of his life Eberling spent in Leningrad. He was a member of the "Society's behalf Arkhip Kuindzhi" (1909-1931). Member of "Association of artists named after I. Repin" (1924-1929). Early showed themselves in the teaching path. He taught at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts (1904-1933), the Studio AHRR (1926-1929), the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture (1934-38). Until 1941, he led his private art Studio, and also worked in the art Studio at Leningradskom the House of scientists. In Soviet times, Eberling was a Professor at the Academy of arts. The author of several portraits.

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