Petrovich Bogdanov

Russia • 1855−1932

He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1878 — 1889) V. Makovsky and I. Pryanishnikov. As a participant, and later a member of the Association of traveling exhibitions, Bogdanov with a consistently democratic position turned to themes of peasant life post-reform Russia ("For calculation", 1890; "Beginner", 1893; "the Faithful", 1899). More recent work has lost characteristic of the artist's paintings revealing nature ("Gatherers of mushrooms", 1903, etc.). After the October socialist revolution Bogdanov has created a number of works on themes of contemporary Soviet reality ("Lenin and the worker", 1927), as well as engaged in pedagogical work.

The Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (MUZHVZ), has prepared a large number of artists who became known, remained until the end of the nineteenth century secondary school. Many graduates of the school continued studies at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg. Others received excellent training in school, on the path of independent creativity. It was Ivan Bogdanov, who studied at MUZHVZ (1878-1889) have wonderful artists and teachers of V. E. Makovsky and I. Pryanishnikov. In the years of apprenticeship I. Bogdanov begins to present their work at exhibitions, in the beginning of the Moscow school of painting, then the Association of traveling art exhibitions, of which he became in 1895. Wrote household composition: "mining" (1883), "the calculation" (1890), a "Newbie" (1893), "Girlfriends" (1896), "Homeless" (1897), "Pilgrims" (1900), "cornflowers" (1902), "the Farmer at the plow" (1906), "In the garden" (1906), "mushrooms" (1907). However, he was and portraits, and landscapes ("portrait of the artist V. I. Pozdneev", 1903; "Landscape with huts", 1912). Upheaval of October 1917 and subsequent events have affected the creativity of any artist — many changed the theme of his works, his style, his views. I. P. Bogdanov has retained its traditional ("campfire", 1927), although he had paintings on the themes of recent or contemporary history ("After the student strike," "Driven into exile", "Lenin and the worker", all — 1920). In the struggle of artistic directions taken relative participation — 1929 was a member of the Moscow Association of artists-realists. Reasons to adjust their skills and Outlook on life and painting from I. P. Bogdanova was not.

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