Alexeyevich Alexandrov

Russia • geboren in 1972

Biografie und Informationen

The artist was born in 1972.

In 1999 graduated from Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov, faculty of painting, workshop of Professor V. N. Zabelina.

In 2003 admitted to the Union of artists of Russia.

Participant of exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Works in genres of portrait, landscape.

Wrote custom portraits and copies.

Lives and works in Moscow.


1994-1997 - the Participant of exhibitions of Russian artists in Switzerland, Basel.

1995 - "Youth - XXI", Moscow.

1996 - Exhibition "Youth - 96" Moscow.

1998 - Autumn exhibition of Moscow artists.

2001 - Exhibition "Dialogue of generations" devoted to the 60 th anniversary of the battle of Moscow Balashikha.

2002 - Participation in the Moscow international art salon in Central house of artists, Moscow.

2003 - Participation in the Moscow international art salon "New generation" in the Central house of artists, Moscow.

2004 - Exhibition "Russian summer in Santa Fe" gallery of portraits, Santa Fe, USA .

2004 - all-Russian competition of artists named after P. M. Tretyakov. The Tretyakov gallery.

2005 - Personal exhibition. Cheboksary.

2007 - Personal exhibition. Moscow, Central house of artists.

2007 - participant of the exhibition under the auspices of the Fund philanthropists of the Century Moscow. The state Tretyakov gallery. Gold medal "National treasure."

2008 - Exhibition "Space of silence", Moscow, Central house of artists.

2008 - Exhibition in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

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