Vladimirovich Afanasyev

Russia • 1928−1988

Thesis in the CVC - sketches of scenery and costumes for his play Mayakovsky "Bug", rating is great. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualified as a painter of theatrical-decorative painting.

In 1956 graduated from Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. Repin Academy of the USSR on a speciality “theatrical-decorative painting.” Person. the drama theatre was the first place the work of young artists. A year later, in 1957, he became the main artist of the theater and worked there until 1959. The staging of the play “the Bedbug” by Vladimir Mayakovsky (1956) in its design was included in the Golden Fund of the theatre's history. Well praised by the critics and the audience received the artist's work on the show “Factory girl” by A. Volodin (1957), “When acacia blooms” N. Vinnikov (1957), “What smiled the stars” by A. Korneichuk (1958), “dog in the manger” by L. de VEGA (1958).

(the author T. V. Palagina)

Lit.: 225 years of the USSR Academy of arts: Cat. CA. programs. and a diploma. works. L., 1983.

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