Antonovich Bachevsky

Russia • geboren in 1909

Biografie und Informationen

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR (Russia) in 1966. Schedule. Born in 1909 in the town of Morshansk, Tambov province. The participant of the great Patriotic war. Studied at the Penza art College named. K. A. Savitsky (1929-1930). In the period from 1930 to 1932 he studied in the Saratov State art-industrial College. Since 1931 member of the creative Union of OMAHR. Worked as a production designer in theatre Prokop'yevsk working coal miners. From 1936 to 1937 he supervised the art room Prokop DK im. Artem. He taught at the art Studio at Palace of culture of metallurgists in the city of Stalinsk (1937-1941).

Sergey Bachevsky in every sense of the painter of his time. Arriving in the thirties in the industrial Kuzbass trip RSFSR people's Commissariat for "Solovei work," he wholly gave her a tribute and as head of the art studios, and as an artist – designer of theatre productions. Among the first works in a new place – the most important, social issues – mines and factories. And later, for decades, his work will meet the Donbass, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, rebuilt after the earthquake Tashkent.

Surviving along with all of total drama history of the XX century, Sergey Bachevsky not brought into the creativity of its dark complexity. Quiet optimism of his drawings and watercolors stems from the natural acceptance of life, the craving for change places – from the sincere to the world of curiosity.

Observation of life was his creative method and at the same time, the high mission of the artist. This home for Baevskogo, a way of looking at the world is apparent already in the earliest of his works – fugitive pencil sketches of the 30-ies.

Bachevsky never watching a separate subject. In the numerous still lifes, and accompanying artist all his life, and his urban landscapes, full of architectural and simply everyday life details, there is never one, the main subject.

In his eyes equal rights and "pure" landscape, filled with a wide breath, and a big building – like, the largest concentration of seething vitality. Or absolutely unremarkable, unspectacular Kuzbass landscapes with traces of human activity – posts, power lines, excavators that are perceived as integral elements of nature, fused with it organically. For each sheet, each of these subjects read important – outspoken artistic love of nature that turns in the lyrics of every phenomenon of life, and enjoy the process of playing.

The creative journey: Republic of Tuva (1965), the Uzbek SSR, the Kirghiz SSR (1968), Theodosius (1970), Donbass (1970), the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant (1976-1977), Samarkand (1978), Sayan (1979), Mountain Shoriya (1980), Sayan (1980), the House of creativity "Hot key" (1981), the House of creativity im. Konstantin Korovin (1984), the cities of the Kuznetsk basin (1984-1985).

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