Georgievich Bekhteev

Russia • 1878−1921

Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1968). Born in Moscow, studied at Munich under G. Knerr (1902-05) and in Paris under F. Cormon (1906). Until 1914 lived abroad. Effortless possession of pen and brush created Behteeva glory graphics-improviser, the virtuoso quick and easy book. drawing (watercolor, gouache, ink). The best works behteeva — illustrations for publications of the publishing house "Academia": "Jean Bogar" sh Node (1934), "Daphnis and Chloe" (long, 1935), "Consuelo" (G. sand, 1936).

In 1936-45 created 20 illustrations for "Hero of our time" Mikhail Lermontov (AKV. and mascara). In 1939-40 illustrated and other works of Lermontov: "Princess Ligovskoy", "Demon", "Mtsyri" "the Fugitive," the unfinished story "Read" a poem "How often...". In addition, behteev came created a series of screensavers to the English and French editions of "a hero of our time" (both editions — 1947), colored watercolor "Lermontov from Krajewski" and a watercolor portrait of Lermontov (1951). Many illustrations behteeva due to its compositional completeness and artistic value can be considered as works of easel graphics. In the works of Lermontov, the artist drew primarily romantic rebellion and lyricism. He sought to convey the emotional state of the characters, expression of feelings, the most acute psychological aspects of the story.

The original illustrations behteeva stored in GLM, the Museum "House of Lermontov" and "Tarkhany", the Institute of Russian literature in the artist's family.

Artist Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev (1878 - 1971) lived a long life, and there are several creative destiny, a bright, unexpected and unpredictable. In varying degrees, his metamorphosis is shown at the personal exhibition of graphic works of the artist in gallery "Art-Diva" on the New square.

Before becoming one of the best Russian painters of the XX century he, the nobleman, gentleman, officer, graduated from St. Petersburg cavalry school and a few years in Mitovska shelf. Before it opened brilliant service opportunities. But in 1901, he in the rank of Lieutenant unexpectedly resigns. Generic officer career changes on a strange and uncertain, "unworthy" of the highest nobility of the profession of the artist. Visits in St. Petersburg Academy of arts, is engaged in the private Studio of Professor J. Tsionglinskogo.

In 1902 Mr Behteev went to Munich, where he intermittently lives up to the First world war. Here gathered a lot of Russian artists who first met with restraint "the gallant hussar", but soon his undoubted talent forced to drastically change the attitude towards it. He becomes an active member of the "New Munich Association of artists" is in the circle Wassily Kandinsky, Alexander Jawlensky, M. Verevkina. His works of this period clearly characteristic features of Russian avant-garde, however, sometimes with a hint of the "miriskusnicheskoy". For example, the sketch of the painting "Golden apples". Participates in Moscow in the first exhibition "Jack of diamonds", appears in the gallery Sturm in Berlin, becomes the participant of the exhibition of the Munich "Blue rider", the principles of which Mr Behteev should always initially enthusiastically and joyfully, and then, in Soviet times, due to understandable circumstances nostalgic undercurrent. "The blue rider" in one form or another, passed through the artist's life. But works of this time, judging by the exposition, save some.

After the revolution, Vladimir Bekhteev first becomes a humble servant of the people's Commissariat of enlightenment, and then, in 1921, the main artist of the First state circus in Moscow. In the hall of the gallery presents a large section of his circus work. This is a great colorful costumes of the circus artists, especially clowns, performed with great warmth and humor; sketches of circus performances, especially those related to horses. Here is undoubtedly affected his early cavalry service. In General, Mr Bekhteev was excellent animal painter. Provides compositions, executed in the cubist style - the memory of the avant-garde, as well as circus posters.

Easel graphic works of Vladimir behteeva thirties quite in the spirit of the time. There are production stories, for example, about the builders and domestic scenes ("In the market"), many southern landscapes, brought back from trips to the Caucasus, on the Georgian Military road.

But most of all a graphic artist's talent manifested itself in illustrating books - "Phoenician ship" and "the lights on the mounds" by V. Yang, "novel lady Byron" E. Main, "Maiden Maupin" T. Gautier, "Jean Bogar" sh Node, "Daphnis and Chloe" long. Some drawings executed truly artistic, a virtuoso, perfectly, gracefully and fluently - Japanese fairy tales.

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