Leibovich Blank

Russia • geboren in 1938

Biografie und Informationen

People's artist of Russia (1992); award "Nika—90" for the work of the artist in the film "Mother Jesus." He graduated from the art faculty of VGIK (1960, workshop of G. Myasnikov and M. Kurilko). In the movie debuted as art Director in 1964 ("Welcome, or no trespassing"). The author of the scenery for the play CATRA "Harold and Maude" K. Higgins, Zh-K. Carriere, Taganka theatre ("Eugene Onegin", 2000), etc. President of the Guild of artists of cinema and television of Russia.

Prizes and awards:

1990, the Prize "Nika" (For best work of the artist, the film "Mother of Jesus")

MTF 1991 in Montreux (Second prize, "I'm Sorry, Orthodox people!")

1992 Award "Nika" (For best work of art Director, film "If...")

1996 KF "Window to Europe" in Vyborg (the Prize of "the River", "Career of Arturo UI. The new version")

1996 the Prize "Nika" (For best work of art Director, film "Career of Arturo UI. The new version")