Nikolaevich Bochkov

Russia • 1901−1952

Biografie und Informationen

Studied at the Vologda art school at the Northern circle of fine arts (1918), in the Vologda art school (1919-1922)..P.Dmitrievskogo, at the VKHUTEMAS in Moscow (1923-1929)..N. Kuprianova, P. I. Of The City. From 1923 he lived in Moscow. Worked as an art editor in the "Peasant newspaper" (1929-1934).

Member of the MOOSKH with 05.05.1933.

Was a creative mission in the Urals (1936), on the Volga and the Caspian sea (1941). During world war II executed a series of drawings and lithographs on the materials travel to the liberated areas, he worked on posters for "Window TASS".

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