Alexandrovich Bundin

Russia • 1926−2000

Thesis in the CVC - "Exchange of experience" rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1926 (November 8), was Born in the village Ivanovka Demidov district, Saratov region. In early childhood I traded the visitor is a traveling trader horns and hooves my first pencil. My father, Alexander E., carpenter, sharp axe I sharpened a pencil, and I drew everything I saw from the window of our cabin.

1933 – In the city of Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region) I came with my parents. Drew and participated in exhibitions in the House of pioneers and the House of culture.

1939 – In the newspaper "Gorkovskaya Kommuna" the first publication about my participation in the exhibition of painting of artists of Dzerzhinsk. The plant "Zarya" worked as a Turner. In the House of culture was painting wall murals and theatrical scenery. Painted in the Studio and at home.

1943 – Drafted into the R. K. K. A. In the city of Kirov drew visual AIDS in classrooms regiment (motors, guns, missiles and grenades in section). Painted pictures and murals. Watercolor landscapes Borisov (BSSR) participated in the exhibition of creativity of the soldiers of the BVI. Published drawings and posters in the district newspaper " for the glory of the Motherland." In the city of Minsk, worked in the Studio Printing House of the BSSR. For Belarussian state publishing house painted in Newspapers, magazines, illustrated and designed books. Participated in exhibitions of book graphics of Belarus. On the 30th anniversary of the BSSR made a gift "to the Belarusian people from the soldiers of the BWO" (gypsum). For the anniversary of the Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod region made a gift "to the Pioneer of Soviet tank development of tanks of the Soviet Army" (wood). Wrote panels.

1950 – Discharged from the army, came to Leningrad and entered the Institute. I. E. Repin at the faculty of graphics. Worked for the Belarussian state publishing house in books and magazines. He moved to the faculty of painting at the workshop battle. He painted for the B. O. V. and designed for Belarussian state publishing house books.

1956 – Graduated from the Institute. I. E. Repina, the artist-painter. Admitted to the Leningrad Union of artists. He painted for the Museum of Brest fortress. In Minsk and Borisov personal exhibition of painting and graphics.Participated in all-Union and Leningrad exhibitions. Worked on children books for Detgiz.

1960 – joined the Union of artists of the USSR. I live on Vasilevsky island, working in the flat at the place of residence. Participated in all-Union and Republican exhibitions of painting and book graphics. Worked for publishers in Moscow and Leningrad: books, textbooks, filmstrips and picture-books. For Linguaphone painted landscapes and tales.

1987 – the old age pensioners party V. O. V. painting landscapes, portraits, still lifes and paintings. Participate in exhibitions.

1995 – Continue to work on previously started works.

(autobiography, 14 Dec 1995)

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