Nikolayevich Vasilyev

Russia • geboren in 1940

Anatoly Vasiliev (born. November 23, 1940, Riga) — Russian painter, architect.

Born into a military family. During the great Patriotic war was first evacuated in the Yaroslavl region. Then he lived with his family in Poland and Germany; from 1945 to 1954 in Kaliningrad (former Koenigsberg). There he began to draw and attended drawing lessons. After his family moved to Leningrad, Anatoly studied painting and drawing in the Palace of pioneers under the leadership of artist M. A. Kaneeva. After finishing school he entered, at the second attempt, higher school of industrial art to them. Mukhina at the Department of architecture and finishes it the famous art school founded by Baron Stieglitz, in 1965.

By 1960 are fun Anatolia with his family and Legacey with Mikhail Shemyakin. According to his confession "the house on upland", where were held the first exhibition of non-conformists and read their poems V. Petrochenkov, K. Kuzminski, O. Okhapkin, V. Krivulin played out performances, with the participation of Shaft. Kravchenko, Val. Rodchenko and other actors, where the promoter of the musical avant-garde was Sagitov S., — played a major role in shaping his artistic tastes, and the artist and writer O. Lyagachev becomes his close friend. Anatoly is involved with O. by Legacies in the edition of the manuscript almanacs not only as an Illustrator but also as a writer — novelist and playwright. At the same time he entered the artistic group "Petersburg" and later was a co-author M. Shemyakin in the monumental-artistic projects (for example, in 1990, he participated in the architectural solution of the monument to Peter I in the Peter and Paul fortress and the monument to Victims of political repression in St. Petersburg, Robespierre embankment).

A. Vasiliev — one of the first nonconformists. From 1962 he participated in numerous exhibitions and demonstrations of unofficial artists (in the Harbor, 1962, Handicraft, 1971, kuzminska — 1974; the House of Culture "Nevsky", 1975, in the House of Culture, Ordzhonikidze, 1976; exhibitions TEV, FS, IFA).

During perestroika, Anatoly begins to go abroad: he was in France, in 1989, in Belgium (1990), in Austria (where, incidentally, his personal exhibition in Saalbach, 1999); he, together with Mikhail Shemyakin took part in the carnivals in Venice, and was often in the U. S. A., since 1991.

His first solo exhibition was held in the gallery "Borey", in 1994. Then actually a year later, held his solo exhibitions in the galleries of St. Petersburg; he also frequently exhibited abroad. A. Vasiliev is well represented in St. Petersburg and other Russian museums, as well as in numerous private collections.

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