Alexandrovich Vesnin

Russia • 1883−1959

Biografie und Informationen

Honorary member of the Academy of construction and architecture of the USSR (1956). Professor. He graduated from the Institute of civil engineers in St. Petersburg (1912). In the theater he worked in 1919-25. Designed productions at the Maly t-re ("the Auditor", 1919; "the Marriage of Figaro", 1920; "Road to glory" scribe, 1922), the Moscow theater for children ("Pearl Adaline" Topelius, 1921). Hobby A. Vesnin Cubo-futurism and constructivism is particularly evident in his scenery for plays sinks. Chamber theater, where the artist is in the spirit of Cubo-futurism interpreted form of the medieval Gothic ("the Annunciation" Claudel, 1920) and the classical world of antiquity ("Fedra" Rasin, 1922); a complex system of metal structures, stairs, machines, moving sidewalks and elevators A. Vesnin used in the play "the Man who was Thursday" by Chesterton (1923), trying with all of these elements to embody the idea of "urbanism", to show deadening mechanized world of the capitalist city. Despite the abstractness, self-sufficient spectacle of these works, they affected great skill A. Vesnin, manifested in the harmonic proportionality and architectural prostranstvennykh forms of its scenery, their inner rhythm. Characteristic A. Vesnin search figurative expressiveness and emotion has identified a way to overcome the formalistic delusions and the arrival of the artist to the realism characterizing subsequent period of creativity A. Vesnin as an architect. A. Vesnin he taught (the Highest of arts.-tech. Institute, b. VHUTEMAS).

  • Kunstvereine
  • Schule
  • Schüler